I am an experienced technology, people, and organizational leader with 25+ years in the software industry. While my background is computer science, my passion is people. I am values driven, people-centric, and outcome focused. I strive to live out my personal values of Generosity, Authenticity, and Service to Others in every role I take on.

With over 2 decades of work in technology focused roles, both at several small consulting firms and large enterprises like Microsoft, I found that some of the most complex and interesting challenges that I have tackled for organizations involve people, culture, and systems. Without those things working in tandem, the rest of your efforts will encounter friction and inevitable waste.

I have spent the last decade translating my exemplary discovery, analysis, communication, and execution skills from developing and delivering software to developing effective systems and processes. My whole hearted leadership approach means that I design and build those systems, processes and environments with the ultimate goal of sustainable improvement and growth, as well as creating an environment that enables talented individuals to do their best work.

Looking forward to opportunities to do that again, possibly with your company!

My Approach

I am an outcome focused and people-centric organizational leader. I approach roles with the goal of fostering an environment where people can truly thrive, whether they're on my team, they report to me, or I report to them. I continually support development of work processes and systems that value diversity, continual improvement, and psychological safety.

I leverage these experiences in my work with clients as well, as an agile transformation change agent, trainer, and business agility advisor.

Dream it

You don’t have to already have your grand vision in place and fully validated to work with me. Whether we start with an existing vision, or co-create something amazing together, I’d love to learn more about your personal and professional goals so that we can back into an effective strategy to get there.

Build it

Once you have a vision that feels compelling and true to your values, we can move forward with a strategic roadmap, OKRs and realistic milestone goals, and sustainable and realistic execution plan. If you also need help making those plans a reality, I’m here for that too!

What People Are Saying about Angela

“I crossed paths with Angela when I was a younger ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) practitioner. She was one of the few thought leaders in the space that kept coming up on my searches. Since then, our circles have intersected in the technical community and in the workplace. In her humble way, she doesn't profess to "know it all". On the contrary, she is quite curious and sincerely willing to lean in to help by sharing experiences and practices to progress initiatives. Her attitude and demeanor are infectious. I feel privileged to call her a colleague and a friend.”

— R. Michael Querimit, peer team member

“Angela is one of the most creative thinkers I have ever worked with. In our business of consulting and technology, problem-solving is one of the most sought-after skills by our leaders. Angela comes to a problem and can get new ideas and solutions out of her team and herself - seemingly without an end of energy. I can remember countless times when we needed to get across some pretty complicated concepts to our clients.

I always appreciated her loyalty to the company throughout our time together.

— Chris Kadel, CEO and Direct Manager

“I met Angela through a mutual connection, and I shall be indebted to that person forever as Angela is an amazing human being. Angela is among the greatest leaders that I have had the opportunity to work for. When I entered the world of consulting I came in with a lot of knowledge and aptitude, but very little experience when it came to working with outside clients. My very first engagement I was fortunate enough to have Angela by my side to help me find my footing and to propel me forward. Angela has this amazing level of balance where she can recognize when you might be missing the mark and could use a little guidance, and also knows when it's time to step back and let you soar. She cares so deeply about the people that she is responsible for as well as the clients that she engages with. She is equal parts passionate agilist and calming leader. I would work for Angela again in a heartbeat. Thank you for being awesome, Angela!”

— Rob flynn, direct report

“I reported directly to Angela for about a year and a half, and the amount I learned from her in that timeframe is unbelievable. At Polaris, she was the People Lead. We worked together to improve our hiring process to accurately reflect Polaris’s amazing culture. Her passion for people and instilling a collaborative and supportive culture is something I have always admired. Angela has shown constant support for my professional growth and still keeps me in mind for other growth or networking opportunities.

She is a people person. If it weren’t for her nudging me outside my comfort zone, I wouldn’t be where I am today. She is wonderful at bringing fresh, new ideas and opinions to the table. She is always willing to talk through what is best for everyone and providing a different perspective. Angela is by far one of the best bosses I have ever had. Anyone would be extremely lucky to have Angela on their team. She is one of a kind!”

— jenny fackler, direct report

“Angela is an invaluable member to the Application Development community. During a recent upgrade to TFS2013, she helped us keep not only ALM best practices in mind as we defined how our teams could better integrate but also educated us on future trends and features that would lend best our team with the implementation. Additionally, her dedication to teaching, collaboration, and learning outside of the office is very inspiring and appreciated. Don't ever stop Angela! We need you out there!”

— connie gomez, client manager